Energy Healing
Energy Healing
- Relief from stress and anxiety
- Relief from physical aches and pains
- Relief from negative thoughts and emotions
- Increased vitality and sense of confidence
- Spontaneous insight and creativity
- Enhanced sense of self-awareness
Healings are available in person or ONLINE!
An energetic healing creates space in your heart and mind for change and transformation by enhancing self-awareness, removing negativity and cultivating positive energy.
What is Blocked Energy...
Thoughts and feelings exist in the form of energy. This energy flows through the chakras and channels (the “organs” and “veins”) of the subtle body. When negative thoughts and emotions are met with resistance, the energy gets trapped. This causes the channels to grow narrow.
Unexamined thoughts and unresolved emotions contribute to the formation of self-limiting beliefs. These beliefs create a cycle of feeling bad about ourselves, other people and the world around us. The blockages they form limit the quality and quantity of energy (emotion) you’re able to give and receive.

Removing the Blockages...
Blockages can manifest in many different ways, as physical aches and pains, or as sadness, irritability, general anxiety, and depression. The blockages are caused by, and manifest as, other negative thoughts and emotions. These are ultimately due to negative beliefs. You may, or may not be aware of these beliefs. For example, believing you’re unworthy of love. If the blockages have been there a very long time they may also contribute to disease.
In a healing, I use clairvoyance, meditation, intention and other methods, like Reiki to soften the blockages. Think of it like a massage for your heart and mind.

Looking at the Deeper Causes...
A healing may or may not address the cause of the blockages. Just as a massage may help relieve bodily stress but not correct the cause of stress. For example, poor posture. A healing should be thought of as something that supports you in a healing process and not as something that will cure you, though that is a possibility. Ultimately, your happiness depends on self-awareness and self-care.
If your negative thinking and limiting beliefs are not addressed, the blockages will return. A chakra reading, or counselling is better suited to address the underlying cause of these as these sessions provide tools with which to heal yourself.

How the Healing is Performed...
I begin the healing by examining the aura and chakras with clairvoyance. You can be stand, sit or lay down. You can have your eyes open or closed. All you need to do is practice self-awareness . I will use my hands to feel and move energy in and around you but I will not touch you physically.
At the end of the healing, I examine your energy again to determine how successful it has been. I will let you know how I think it went. I may recommend some practices, appropriate to your level of experience with mindfulness. These practices will help address the negative feelings uncovered during the session

How to Know It's Working...
What you experience during the session will depend on your mindfulness. Some people experience very little during the healing itself, and a few don’t experience anything at all. Everyone who’s practiced meditation however, has been able to feel things as they happen.
Not feeling any change in the moment doesn’t mean it hasn’t worked. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings over the next week or two. You will discover that positive thoughts and feelings arise more naturally. You’ll be feeling lighter and thinking more clearly. You will find it easier to understand and let go of negativity.

What You Might Feel During the Healing...
- Tingling or chills moving through the body
- Sudden changes of temperature (feeling hot or cold)
- Your body may feel very heavy and your joints may creak
- A magnetic like pressure moving in or around your body
- Negative emotions may arise, just relax and allow yourself to experience them
- Images may come to mind. They may or may not be symbolic of what is going on
- Various emotions may arise unexpectedly; positive or negative
- You may feel very tired at the end, like you’ve just finished exercising

Healing at a Distance...
For a distance healing we can use audio, video, or chat. Some people prefer text, as then they have a written record of what was done in the healing. It can be difficult to remember everything we talked about. If we do it with audio I will write a brief summary of the reading for you.
You may have doubts about doing this long-distance, which I can appreciate. It was surprising to me too when I tried it the first time but it works. Understanding how, requires some knowledge of clairvoyance and the nature of awareness. You can read about it here.

Healing That's Affordable...
I believe everyone who wants counselling should have access to it. That is why I charge according to your income, so you can get the help you need, no matter what.
What You Get for FREE...
I will send you some notes from our session that include some practices and resources to help you heal and develop yourself.
30 Minutes $20
45 Minutes $28
60 Minutes $35
30 Minutes $24
45 Minutes $32
60 Minutes $40
30 Minutes $28
45 Minutes $36
60 Minutes $45
30 Minutes $32
45 Minutes $40
60 Minutes $50