What is Energy Work?
Energy Work
Subtle energy, sometimes called spiritual energy, is a manifestation of your thoughts and feelings. While this energy cannot be measured, it can be seen and felt with practice. You don’t need to “believe in it”. More importantly, it works!
You don’t need to “believe in it”. More importantly, it works!
The Mysterious Nature of Spiritual Energy...
To tell you the truth, I don’t know what spiritual energy is. No one does. To name and describe something’s very different from knowing what it is.
Take this example… what is a tree? It consists of roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. Well what are leaves? They’re made of cells. What are cells? They’re made of atoms. What are atoms? Subatomic particles. What are they? Well, who knows. In a similar fashion, I could tell you that energy is ‘this’ or ‘that’ but they’re all just words.
While there is, as of now, no way of isolating or measuring these forces with a scientific instrument, these forces can be seen and felt. And working with them can effect our thoughts, feelings and health.

Spiritual Energy: a Functional Definition...
In practice, thoughts and feelings exist in the form of energy. This energy flows through the chakras and channels of the subtle body. These are analogous to organs and blood vessels. Negative thoughts and emotions, like anger or shame can block the channels. But only when they’re met with resistance or go unaddressed.
Negative thoughts and unresolved emotions contribute to the formation of self-limiting beliefs. These then effect what we’re able to feel, give and receive (emotionally). These beliefs make it difficult to change the way we think, feel and behave.

Energy Work: Healing Body and Mind...
The term energy work refers to practices that act on the subtle body. These practices can clear negative energy and pervade the channels with positive energy generated in meditation
Negative energy is the manifestation of thoughts and beliefs that bring suffering. Positive energy is the manifestation of thoughts and beliefs that bring joy and peace. To heal, we need to become aware of, and accept, our thoughts and feelings before challenging our beliefs.
Energy work encourages healing and insight by working directly with the subconscious mind.

How is Subtle Energy Perceived...
While we usually consider the mind as having the power to imagine, it also has the power to perceive. This power is clairvoyance. The word refers to the experience of mental seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. Such as in a vision or with intuition.
We also use clairvoyance when sensing the magnetic like pressure around the body. This is sometimes referred to as an aura. Some people also see it with their eyes or in their mind. This “mental seeing” is said to be with our “minds eye”, because it feels like we are “seeing it” as opposed to imagining it. There is no ‘sixth sense’, per se. We experience energy as other sensory phenomena; we see, hear and feel it.

Learning To See with the Mind...
When you dream at night the mind creates an entire world through the power of imagination. Even though it was (presumably) created by your mind, you experience it as if it were an objective, external world. You do not see, hear and touch the dream world with your physical eyes, ears or body. It is the mind that sees, hears, and feels objects in the dream. The mind creates, and perceives, its’ creations as if they were separate from oneself.
How can we know then, whether we’re imagining or perceiving something? Practically speaking, how can we sure we’re really sensing someones thoughts and feelings and not merely projecting our own ideas? Well, we must understand ourselves in order to understand others.

What is Intuiton?
Take this example. You think of a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. You have a feeling that they’re not well. You call them and find out they are sick or upset. This knowing without cause to know, is often referred to as intuition. While this can happen on its own as in the case above, it’s possible to develop our intuition. By meditating on the chakras we can learn about our own, or others, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, personality and values.
Everyone possesses clairvoyance and intuition. Everyone experiences it from time to time. It’s not supernatural, it is in fact, completely natural. Like all skills, it may or may not come as easily to you as it does to others but I can assure you, it is not a mysterious gift. It just takes practice.

Yes, but is Spiritual Energy Real...
When you come for a healing you will likely feel a magnetic pressure or force moving through your body. You may think at first it’s your imagination, that it’s “not really there”. It’s possible, in time, to share an undeniable experience with someone else. An experience in which you see and feel the same things at the same time. This can put your doubts to rest.
Even dreams are real. Say you have a dream in which a dog is chasing you, and you feel afraid. Upon waking, the fear leaves you as you realise, ah, the dog “wasn’t real”. Yet you can’t deny you saw a dog and that you felt afraid. That experience was real. Well, I use subtle energy because it works, even if we don’t know how or even what it “is”.