Counselling Resources
Counselling Resources

How To Set Achievable Goals
This guide explains how the do’s and don’ts of setting goals. With this short tutorial, you’ll be accomplishing one goal

Stop Blaming, Avoiding, Distracting: Explore
In order to cope with negative thoughts and emotions we tend to respond with blame, avoidance and distraction, when… Ways

Why You Fear Abandonment
If our caregivers were inconsistent, we’ll be more likely to distrust other peoples’ feeling for us and fear abandonment… What

How to Heal Your Core Wounds
Core wounds are feeling of hurt that takes the form of negative beliefs, like “I’m not good enough”… Primary and

Healing Your Inner Child
As children we don’t recognise that our parents have their own issues which have nothing to do with us… A

Overcome Your Fears with Exposure Therapy
Fear is an inherently unpleasant sensation. Which usually react to it by either running away or fighting with what… Conquering

Narrative Therapy: Rewriting Your Story
How we think, feel is greatly effected by the stories that we tell about ourselves and other people… Giving Meaning

How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Help You
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) claims psychological problems are the result of learned patterns of thinking and behaving, and that.. Looking

What is Intuitive Counselling?
Intuitive counselling works with your implicit thoughts and feelings. It’s based on the idea that you have the answers… You