How Energy Work Can Help You Heal
In order to cope with negative thoughts and emotions we tend to respond with blame, avoidance and distraction, when…
The Energetic Body
As the energetic body is a manifestation one’s physical body, thoughts and feelings, one can work with it to effect change on all these different levels.
- Intention is all that’s needed to move the physical body, and similarly the power of intention guides the movement of the energetic body
- Feedback (from clairvoyance), is used throughout to sense the quality of energy as well as to observe the changes taking place
- Methods, all of which rely on purity of thought and force of concentration, are employed to remove negativity, generate positivity and facilitate transformation
Intention: when we first learn to play the piano or ride a bike, our bodies don’t respond well to our intentions. We find ourselves uncoordinated, our movements imprecise. It’s through sensory feedback that we learn to move faster or slower. In observing our own movements, we can fine tune them.
Intention’s all that’s needed to move our energy, but so long as we are lacking in awareness, we receive no feedback and thus no opportunity to fine tune these movements or recognize and overcome any of the obstacles that we may encounter.
That’s where I come in. Just as a skilled musician has trained in awareness and precision, so I have trained in clairvoyance through practice and familiarity.
Feedback: as everything is energy and not necessarily bound to a limited space, our thoughts and feelings have the power to cause change in the thoughts and feelings of those around us. Through the force of concentration, the healer’s intentions (and hand gestures) can manipulate the movement of a person’s energy, helping it to flow harmoniously. It is only through clairvoyance though, that one is aware of what is happening and whether or not it is working.
A massage therapist palpates the muscles to find tension, and having worked on those muscles, palpates them again to determine if they have become more relaxed. In the same way, clairvoyance is used to find blockages in the energetic body, and once these have been worked on, the healer can then check whether there has been an improvement and to what degree. The only way to treat someone effectively is to know where and how to look.
Methods: there are many different systems used in working with one’s energy. These can include the use of different tools or methods such as hand gestures, crystals, drumming, smudging and chanting, to name just a few. For any of these methods to be truly beneficial, the recipient should be willing and open-minded and the healer should be focused with strong concentration. If the healer has powerful clairvoyance all of these techniques can be learned, used and employed easily. As a healer working with energy, there is nothing more useful and necessary than developing clairvoyance.
My Personal Method
After many years of practise I’ve developed an effective method that is able to provide consistent and greatly beneficial results. Here are my steps…
- Generate a pure intention to be of benefit, only ever working for the person’s peace and well-being
- Read the feeling and the movement of the energy, in particular each chakra to determine what needs to be done
- Clear away negativity by employing a variety of methods
- Empower the individual by generating and offering the energy that would bring the greatest benefit
Generate: I find it most beneficial to myself and others to first cultivate a pure intention. I focus on my strong and genuine wish for the person to be happy, at peace and free from all suffering and my intention to do whatever I can to help achieve that.
Read: placing my awareness within the chakras, I am able to sense the person’s mental and emotional strengths, weaknesses and limitations. This allows me to help them overcome their particular challenges. Knowing where there is doubt, I can offer confidence. Knowing where there is fear, I can offer security, and so on.
Knowing how each of these thoughts and feelings function and arise, allows me to experience the individual’s pain and insecurity without ever being negatively affected myself. In fact, feeling the person’s pain and fear inspires in my mind a very positive feeling, because it allows me to see the most beneficial point of view they can take, the view that would cause all the pain to go away and I naturally wish this for them out of great compassion.
Clear: a variety of different visualizations and hand gestures are employed to remove and release negativity and stagnation, until the most effective method is identified. I may ask the person to visualize a number of different things while this process is completed.
Empower: having identified any weaknesses during the reading, I generate a pure view of the person as having completely fulfilled their full potential. I see them as perfect. I generate a strong, clear awareness of a variety of positive feelings like security, kindness, confidence and joy based on what they need. I experience these feelings deeply myself, imagine the other person sharing in that feeling and then use a variety of methods to manipulate their energy to facilitate this change. I may also ask the person to assist in this process by bringing their attention to certain parts of their body, concentrate on different feelings and so on.
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